The Foundation's Board of Directors determined we should have a strategic plan to clearly share our path forward over the next three to five years. The plan had considerable input from the Board and Kiwanis members from throughout the District over the last 18 months. Revisions were made to reflect comments received. I hope you will find we have captured how we can work together as a Foundation to support our youth and Kiwanis members in the Southwest District.
-Bob Morrell, President
To build ethical, productive leadership in young people and to help provide quality professional development and support in a fast changing world
To develop resources that transform the goodwill and vision of Kiwanians into programs that serve young people in the Southwest District
I. Goal: To provide for responsible stewardship of time, resources, and talent for our officers, Directors, and District membership
1. Work with the upcoming Southwest District Governor, Lt. Governors, and Foundation Directors to identify candidates for vacancies in Board positions
A. Once candidates are identified, recruit their participation as a member of the Board
2. Appoint Delegates at Large to Divisions that are not represented by a Director
A. Develop a list or responsibilities for Delegates at Large to strengthen communication with clubs in their assigned Division
3. Coordinate with the Southwest District to ensure the Foundation is actively engaged in relevant activities and events
4. Actively fill committee chair positions to strengthen resources available for Foundation endeavors
5. Develop marketing strategies and updated materials
A. Increase use of technology and social media
B. Reach out to Divisions with annual presentations, including updated information on the Foundation, and expression of appreciation for clubs that make donations
II.Goal: To obtain financial resources to enable positive steps in the realization of the vision and mission of the Foundation
1. Create a structured program that ensures donors are recognized at related events and annually as appropriate
2. Focus, on a first tier basis, energy on following alternatives for a viable revenue stream
A. Seek corporate donations and support
B. Apply for matching grants that provide up to 100% of the funding required for foundation endeavors
C. Develop an annual sponsors program that enhances upon the Sustaining Membership program by creating higher donation levels and a brochure that captures the changes
3. As first tier sources yield results, phase in additional techniques to further strengthen the revenue stream, including:
A. Create a planned giving program
B. Provide for memorial and honor contributions
C. Strengthen Legacy Society participation
D. Explore and develop estate giving and options for realizing this source of revenue
III.Goal: To ensure resources obtained are channeled to important new and existing areas
1. Work with our Service Leadership Partners (SLPs) to enhance their participation in District and Kiwanis International activities and programs
A. Consider supporting, to the extent feasible, yearly goals set by CKI and Key Club Governors
B. Continue and enhance the Key Leader program, including related scholarships, financial support, and public relations
C. As resources permit, create one or two multiyear scholarships on a pilot basis, and evaluate if they are successful and merit continuance or expansion
2. Earmark a share of incoming annual resources to provide more grants to clubs for new signature projects and initiatives that support youth
3. Continue commitment to support and improve Kamp Kiwanis facilities with donations and grants
IV. Goal: To realize the full potential of Kamp Kiwanis for its members and Service Leadership Partners
1. Devote resources that are oriented to improving the experience of those who come to Kamp Kiwanis
A. Create a site plan for Kamp Kiwanis that addresses future facility enhancements
2. Address modernization requirements specified in the site plan
A. In partnership with corporations, construct new, modern cabins that have kitchens, bathrooms, lounge area, and bedrooms
a. Ensure Kiwanians have access to and use of the new cabins for an agreed period of time during the year
B. Determine requirements and then include recreational facilities and a conference center as elements of the site plan
C. Install bathrooms and air conditioning in the chapel
D. Add WiFi, television, and technology capabilities in conjunction with new corporate cabins and requirements of the Board, organizations and individuals that rent our facilities, and District members
E. Replace beds in the multipurpose dorm and faculty advisor rooms on the end of dorms
a. Seek potential donations from the Carefree Club and their Marketplace
3. Update the Kamp Kiwanis “Needs and Wants List” periodically, and share broadly to ensure a broad understanding of renovation requirements
If you prefer to share your input by email, please share your thoughts with Past Governor Ed Verburg at